Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've Been Busy

(That's what Mom wanted me to say when really, she has been the one that has been so busy)

I guess I should let you all know how the throwing up has been. Mom got some advice from the comments (thank you all!!) and started giving me tiny, late night meals. That seemed to do the trick. I am slightly mad that I had to go on the antibiotics and pee everywhere when someone did so much as to smile at me. Either way, I am happy to not be throwing up anymore!

On to bad, but good news. A couple of weeks ago I was finally able to go to the doggie park! I had a blast until the very end when I hurt my front leg. I was limping like an old man and mom had to carry me out of there! She got some advice from a very nice Vet Tech that happened to be there. The lady said I should rest for a few days (no playing! boo!) and see what happens. Well the rest did the trick! After about three days I was walking fine. Then - some limping started back up. This was off an on for a while. Sometimes I was running around no problem and sometimes I couldn't even touch my leg to the ground. Mom finally said that that was enough and we went to the vet yesterday. She gave me a nice massage to try and feel anything that could be wrong. Nothing. She came to the conclusion that it is either a sprain-joint or growing pains (because she said I was the perfect age for those to start). Either way, she gave me some anti-inflammatory meds and no playing for two weeks! TWO WEEKS!!! What am I going to do?

And just for the record, when I wasn't having to rest, I was doing some re-decorating for mom.
I have been turning this...

Into this...


Peanut said...

Glad the throwing up is better. I am sorry about your leg.

Lorenza said...

Sure is nice to know that your tummy is fine!
Sorry about your leg! The rest will do the trick again!
Good job with your decorating!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said...

Oh Maeby,
I hope you are feeling much better. At least the puking stopped! Poor girl!

i said...

Glad you are not throwing up anymore. Hope your leg will be better soon. Nice job on the decorating.

The Zoo Crew said...

Good to hear from you.......take it easy so you'll be all better in no time and you'll be running all over the place!!


Chef said...

Maebe! I am so glad your tummy troubles are over. And don't worry. Your leg will heal soon too. I've missed you, cute girl and I'm glad to see you back.

xoxo Chef

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Maeby, I hope your leg gets better soon. Chloe had a sprained leg for about a month. She wasn't caged but she was not allowed to run, jump or even play rough with us. She just had to rest her leg & now she's fine. Must be her weight that caused it. You know, she's way overweight! But now she's on s strict diet & has lost about more than 12 pounds so far.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sandra Evertson said...

We have a teeny 4 lb Chihuahua and she threw up like that when she was younger, the vet said it was a build up of bile and that dogs just do that, he gave us a prescription for Reglan, and it worked really well, and now she seems to have kinda grown out of it. Glad to here the puppy is better!
Sandra Evertson